Combining Senior Executive positions at multi-channel retailers with strategic consulting, I experienced linking strategy with execution. I specialized in transformations, and developed the capability to lead change, with highly flexible management skills, constantly adapting to people and situations.


That’s why over 50 clients already asked me directly to advise them on their top-agenda topics.


After graduating from HEC, I joined Saresco (becoming Aélia travel retail), and was promoted perfume and cosmetics buying manager for France, Singapore and Africa. Then, I moved to Auchan to strengthen the Toy Category. Later, I joined, a B2B corporate reseller: as the Marketing, Purchasing and Digital Director, with a team of 40, I digitalized operations, implemented lean processes, optimized the offer and enhanced positions at most profitable client segments. Then, I became Vivarte Group Chief Strategy Officer: my responsibilities encompassed strategic planning, business intelligence and cross-functional topics: international, internet, capex management, store portfolio efficiency, pricing.


As a consultant – for OC&C, then for Solving Efeso International, and now, with my own boutique, I’m the business partner of a variety of first-class Companies and Private Equity. My mandates are always focused on their strategic topics, e.g. build-ups, turnaround plans, strategic partnerships, brand repositioning, digitalization, productivity.


To be systematically in a position to deliver outstanding solutions, I select my fields of intervention, and am focused on 2 sectors: distribution (B2C, B2B and digital) and brands (luxury and FMCG).


Combining passion and work is important for me: for instance, I was the advisor of the Bordeaux Wine Interprofession for 3 years, I worked in 20 different countries… and I have a passion for commerce!